Hongjie Chen

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech, where I was supervised by Dr. Hoda Eldardiry. My research centers on deep graph learning and deep time-series learning, extending into the area of recommendation systems and data analytics. I aim to bridge the gap between graphs and time series for tasks like link prediction and time-series forecasting. I've had the privilege of collaborating with researchers from Adobe Research and Yahoo Research in related fields.

Journal Papers

  • Graph Time-series Modeling in Deep Learning: A Survey [ACM] 🎉 New Paper Accepted! Check it out and happy reading! 📚
    H. Chen, H. Eldardiry
    2024 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)

  • Graph Deep Factors for Probabilistic Time-series Forecasting [ACM]
    H. Chen, R. A. Rossi, K. Mahadik, S. Kim, H. Eldardiry
    2023 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)

Conference Papers

  • Evolving Super Graph Neural Networks for Large-scale Time-Series Forecasting (To Appear)
    H. Chen, R. A. Rossi, K. Mahadik, S. Kim, H. Eldardiry
    2024 ACM The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD)

  • Hypergraph Neural Networks for Time-series Forecasting [IEEE]
    H. Chen, R. A. Rossi, K. Mahadik, S. Kim, H. Eldardiry
    2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)

  • Context Integrated Relational Spatio-Temporal Resource Forecasting [IEEE]
    H. Chen, R. A. Rossi, K. Mahadik, H. Eldardiry
    2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)

  • Graph Deep Factors for Forecasting with Applications to Cloud Resource Allocation [ACM]
    H. Chen, R. A. Rossi, K. Mahadik, S. Kim, H. Eldardiry
    2021 Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD)

  • LncRNA-disease association prediction based on neighborhood information aggregation in neural network [IEEE]
    H. Chen, X. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Zeng, T. Song, A. Rodríguez-Patón
    2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)

Patents & Copyrights

  • US patent - Deep Hybrid Graph-Based Forecasting Systems

  • China software copyright - Continuous Weighing of Living Aquatic Creatures


  • 2023 - Yahoo! Research Intern, Research on the topic of large-scale graphs and graph classification under the supervision of Dr. Meizhu Liu

  • 2020 - Adobe Research Intern, Research on the topic of graphs and time-series under the supervision of Dr. Kanak Mahadik and Dr. Ryan Rossi


  • 2024 - Reviewer, Serve to review papers for KDD

  • 2023 - Reviewer, Serve to review papers for CIKM

  • 2023 - Mentor, Mentor a graduate student

  • 2023 - Panelist, Serve as a panelist for TechGirls camp

  • 2023 - Presenter, Present a poster in ML Day: Amazon - VT Initiative for Efficient and Robust Machine Learning

  • 2022 - Mentor, Mentor three undergraduate students


  • 2024 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for an undergraduate senior class CS4824 Introduction to Machine Learning

  • 2023 - Guest speaker, Give a talk for an undergraduate-level class CS3604 Professionalism in Computing

  • 2023 - Guest lecturer, Give two lectures for a graduate-level class CS5806 Machine Learning II

  • 2023 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for a graduate-level class CS5704 Software Engineering

  • 2022 - Instructor, Instruct an undergraduate senior class CS4824 Introduction to Machine Learning

  • 2022 - Guest lecturer, Give a lecture for a graduate-level class CS6804 Multisource Machine Learning

  • 2022 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for an undergraduate senior class CS4824 Introduction to Machine Learning

  • 2021 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for an undergraduate senior class CS4604 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems

  • 2021 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for an undergraduate senior class CS4104 Data and Algorithm Analysis

  • 2020 - Guest lecturer, Give a lecture for an undergraduate senior class CS4984 Machine Learning Capstone

  • 2020 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for an undergraduate senior class CS4824 Introduction to Machine Learning

  • 2020 - Teaching Assistant, Assist for an undergraduate senior class CS4804 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence